Getting Started

This page acts as the user's entry point to begin their journey with the Cybral Storm Analyzer platform. Here, users will find guidance on the essential steps required to onboard onto the system.

Clicking on "Sign Up" initiates the process of establishing the user's presence within the platform.

Upon clicking "Next," the system will ask users to create a unique username and password for logging in.

After logging in with the newly created credentials, users are directed to the Home page. Here, users are presented with to explore the Network Scanner or the Storm Analyzer.

In this manual will be exploring Cybral Storm Analyzer.

After clicking "Explore" for Cybral Storm Analyzer, users will be redirected to the empty Home page of the system.

Before the System Learns about the Network:

As users begin their journey with Cybral Storm Analyzer, they will initially encounter empty pages, awaiting their input and configuration to start the network security assessment process. During this stage, users will navigate through various sections of the platform, including Network Vulnerabilities, Network Topology, and graphs.

  • Upon entering the Network Topology page, users will be greeted with a notification informing them that no data is currently available for editing. They will be able to initiate a new process by clicking on a button.

  • Within the Network Vulnerability page, users will find the starting point for initiating the scanning process. This stage marks the start of the network security assessment journey within the Cybral Storm Analyzer platform.

Following the completion of the scanning process, users will witness a transformation across the various pages of the Cybral Storm Analyzer platform as they become populated with relevant information derived from the scan results.

Last updated