Network Topology

In this section, users will explore the intricate web of connections that form the backbone of their organization's digital infrastructure. Network topology refers to the layout or structure of a network, illustrating how devices and systems are interconnected and communicate with each other.

Understanding the network topology is essential for maintaining a secure and efficient computing environment. It allows users to visualize the relationships between different network components, such as computers, servers, routers, switches, and other devices. By gaining insights into the topology of the organization’s network, users can identify potential bottlenecks, points of failure, and security vulnerabilities.

The "Network Topology" section also represents the number of subnets in the network and how each subnet is connected with the others. Additionally, it shows that each subnet has a number of assets with different types.


  • In the example provided within the Topology Range section, users are presented with a visual representation of their network infrastructure. This includes a representation of two distinct subnets, each clearly labeled and accompanied by the corresponding IP range at the top. Additionally, users can observe the total number of assets currently residing within each subnet. This intuitive display allows users to easily understand the layout and distribution of network devices and systems, facilitating effective management and analysis of their network topology.

  • By clicking on an asset, users can view a complete list of properties, including information such as port, service, protocol, and more. This feature enables users to gain deeper insights into the characteristics and configurations of individual network assets. Moreover, the editable nature of these properties provides users with the flexibility to update and customize asset details as needed, ensuring accurate and up-to-date documentation of their network infrastructure.

  • There is a search function that enables users search by their IP addresses. This feature helps users quickly find and manage specific assets within the network.

  • Additionally, users can further refine their search results by clicking on items in the filter located above the screen. Users can filter either by asset type or vulnerability severity or both.

  • By clicking on the comment button, administrators can conveniently add comments to specific network assets, allowing them to share observations or instructions with other team members. This cooperative commenting feature facilitates effective communication within the team, enabling administrators to provide context, clarification, or feedback directly within the platform.

  • The view illustrated on the page provides users with a comprehensive overview of key network elements, including IP addresses, subnets, protocols, and Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs). This all-inclusive representation allows users to gain visions into the structure and vulnerabilities of their network infrastructure, facilitating informed decision-making and active risk management.

  • In this view, users can apply the same filtering criteria to refine their analysis and focus on specific aspects of their network infrastructure. By leveraging the filtering options available, users can tailor their view to their specific needs and objectives.

  • This page includes a history dropdown list, allowing users to view and select from past scans and configurations.

The types of assets may vary based on the results of the scan. This list is not constant.

Last updated