
On the Graph page, users are presented with visual representations of the network's security posture, generated through symbolic AI. The system employs a sophisticated methodology, gathering data from the scanning process and applying symbolic AI to derive conclusions based on these facts. Additionally, the system incorporates derived facts to identify vulnerabilities and evaluate potential attack goals.

The generated graph illustrates complicated relationships between several elements within the network, including vulnerabilities, attack paths, and critical assets. Initially, the system constructs a full attack graph, which may be complex due to the network's size and complexity. To update this graph and highlight critical paths, the system undergoes a reduction process. This process aims to condense the attack graph into a concise and informative summary version.

The resulting critical path graph provides users with a clear overview of the most significant attack paths within the network. Each critical path is ranked based on severity and impact, offering users the information of the most persistent security risks. By presenting this summarized version of the attack graph, the system enables users to prioritize efforts and focus on securing critical assets effectively.

On the Graph page, users encounter two views: Critical Paths and Critical Assets. Both views offer insights into the network's security posture from different perspectives while reflecting the same original information.

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