Critical Assets View

Critical Assets view focuses on identifying the most critical assets within the network. Critical assets cover key components, such as servers, databases, or file servers, whose cooperation would have a significant impact on the organization's operations. By highlighting critical assets, this view helps users understand which assets require the highest level of protection and attention.

View Features

  • The graph described from the perspective of critical assets. The graph is organized to highlight key asset types such as PC, web server, database server, and file server. This visualization enables users to quickly identify the critical assets within their network environment.

  • The Critical Assets view features a right-hand side panel offering the same summary viewed in critical paths view and list of critical assets present in the network. This panel includes details such as the number of critical paths associated with each asset type.

  • A filtering mechanism located at the bottom of the panel. This filter allows users to apply specific criteria, such as PC, web server, database server, and file server, to refine the visualization of the graph according to their preferences.

  • Users have the capability to select a node directly from the graph, upon which the corresponding IP address and associated vulnerabilities will be highlighted.

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