Initial Scanning Settings

In the Initial Scanning Settings section, users are presented with a blank page to configure their network scanning parameters for the first time. Here, users can input the IP ranges corresponding to their network infrastructure, specifying which assets will undergo scanning. Users have the flexibility to define whether the scanning cycle should include the entire range or exclude specific assets as required.

Additionally, users can label assets with public IP addresses during this initial setup. This labeling ensures that these assets are included in the calculations performed by the AI engine for generating the attack graph.


  • When first accessing the Home page, users will find it empty, as no scans have been initiated and no IP ranges have been specified for the scanning process. This initial state provides a clean slate, awaiting user input to begin the network security assessment. Users are encouraged to start by navigating to the Scan Settings section to configure their initial scanning parameters.

  • To start the process, users can click on "Initiate a New Scan," which will direct users to a page for entering the necessary details. Here, users can configure their initial scanning parameters, such as IP ranges and specific assets to be included in the scan.

  • Users can define both Excluded IP addresses and assets with public IP addresses directly from this page. Additionally, they have the option to apply the discovery process to all IP addresses within the specified ranges by selecting the radio button labeled "Discover All.

  • In the second part of the page, users will find a step-by-step guide to help them set up the scanning process. Initially, users will be encouraged to download the Docker software onto their system. Then, they will receive clear instructions for downloading the Docker image of the Cybral agent, which acts as the scanning tool for the network. Once the Docker software and agent images are downloaded, users will receive unique codes corresponding to the number of agents downloaded.

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