Configured Scanning Settings

In this section, users can input the IP ranges corresponding to their network infrastructure, determining which assets will be included in the scanning cycle. Additionally, users have the option to specify whether the scanning cycle should cover the entire range or exclude certain assets as needed.

They can label specific assets that hold a public IP addresses, as these assets will be considered into the calculations performed by the AI engine for generating the attack graph.

By identifying assets with public IP addresses, users ensure that the AI engine accurately assesses the network's vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors, providing a full insight into the organization's security posture.

Overall, the Scan Settings page offers users the flexibility to customize the scanning process according to their network requirements, ensuring full coverage and accurate analysis of security vulnerabilities. By configuring these settings, users can initiate the scanning process with confidence.


  • The initial step for the customer is to add their first subnet. This is done by entering the IP range of the subnet and then clicking "Add Subnet."

  • Using the "Subnet Range" button, users can easily add subnet ranges to their network configuration. Clients can also add additional subnet ranges related to the main subnet, allowing multiple subnets to be scanned with a single Agent/Container.

  • Each subnet range can be deleted individually by selecting the corresponding delete option next to the respective range. Additionally, users have the option to delete all ranges simultaneously using the delete button located on the right-hand side of the page. This flexibility enables users to manage their network configuration efficiently, whether they need to remove specific subnet ranges or clear the entire configuration at once.

  • Users can define both Excluded IP addresses and assets with public IP addresses directly from this page. Additionally, they have the option to apply the discovery process to all IP addresses within the specified ranges by selecting the radio button labeled "Discover All.

  • Once users have entered all the necessary information, including Excluded IP addresses, assets with public IPs, and subnet ranges, they can simply click on the "Save" button to finalize the configuration.

  • In the second section of the Scan Settings page, users will find a step-by-step guide to help them set up the scanning process. Initially, users will be encouraged to download the Docker software onto their system. Then, they will receive clear instructions for downloading the Docker image of the Cybral agent, which acts as the scanning tool for the network. Once the Docker software and agent images are downloaded, users will receive unique codes corresponding to the number of agents downloaded.

  • Once the configuration cycle is complete, users will be presented with another view on the page, known as the "Agent" View. This interface allows to monitor the status of the downloaded containers, providing insights into their operational status and performance. Whether users have downloaded 5 containers or any other number, the Agent View offers a full overview of each container's status.

  • Users can access detailed information about individual containers, including their current status, IP address and operating system. This real-time monitoring capability enables users to ensure that all containers are functioning and are actively contributing to the scanning process.

Last updated